First Order of Business

Some of you might be wondering what Liz does when she's sad. I'm going to share my secret with you. My secret is.... goat videos. Seriously. Just try to watch this without busting into uncontrollable giggles. I dare you.

Also, I should point out that YouTube knows me frighteningly well. The videos they recommend always involve motorcycles, goats, horses, or popping disgusting skin protuberances. You know... sometimes I'd be okay with technology NOT becoming sentient. I remember watching Terminator and thinking to my young self, "Oh heavens! Wouldn't that be awful? Thank goodness that'll never happen." And here we are. With websites telling me all the things I love before I even remember what it was I felt like watching. That's a hop, skip, and flea-sized jump right to a Will Smith movie where robots are killing us for the greater good of humanity. This is not okay. I'm going to go watch a disgusting popping video to take my mind off of it.